
#1. On average, how long can the menopause transition last?
#2. True or false? Race influences how a woman experiences menopause.
#3. The amount of bone mass lost during the five to seven years after menopause is:
#4. True or false? The risk of heart disease can also increase during menopause.
#5. True or false? The hot flashes stop when your periods stop.
#6. True or false? Menopause can lead to changes in the brain.
#7. Exercise during, before and after the menopause transition can help with the following:
#8. Which of the following does the body stop producing with the onset of menopause?
#9. What is perimenopause?
#10. Menopause has many symptoms – but whch of the following isn’t one of them?
#11. At what point are women deemed to have reached menopause?
#12. What percentage of women experience menopause
#13. When it comes to our sex lives, which of the following ISN’T associated with menopause
#14. Both perimenopause and menopause can make our working lives more challenging by causing: